about the event

Amsterdam, May, 2022 - Two full days entirely dedicated to manifesting intentional coordination between DAOs.

The event brought together leading DAOists and DAOplomats to share experiences, deepen connections, and set a shared agenda for the DAO space.

The Program

We’ve been hearing rumors that web3 conferences, in the current formats, haven’t been auspicious for bonding and collaboration, so we decided to split up GGG in two different days, each with its own purpose and character. 

April 18th - Monday

The first day will be dedicated to manifesting intentional coordination between DAOs and is tailored to DAOplomats, individuals who actively steward DAOs. The DAOplomats will be provided with the comfort of getting to know each other and creating together. DAOs can use this first day to expand their network, knowledge and deepen relationships.

We’ll return to the venue for a special afternoon gathering during the first night - with live music, explorative DAO games, high-tea session, and more.

April 19th - Tuesday

GGG22 will open up to the broader DAOist community on it's second day. Expand the attendee count by almost 100% and facilitate more capacity and room for Talks, Discussion Panels, Workshops, Art exhibitions, Chill zones, Working areas, Food & Beverages.

To be a DAOist is a lifestyle - to cherish process over product and flow over control. 

DAOs hold great potential to redefine value flows and the strategies of success for decades to come. But DAOs are still an arcane topic.

At The DAOist we are aware that the transformation is more than just technical and organizational. DAOs are driving an actual lifestyle change - a lifestyle characterised by purpose, ownership, collaboration, and openness. If we get our way,  anyone can flourish by harnessing their inner talent and contributing to the greater good. The DAOist and the GGG act as a connective that supports the cultural revolution needed to enable a world of DAOists.

See you in Amsterdam, DAOist!


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Tobacco theatre is an inspiring and industrial location in the defense theater street of Amsterdam. A historic place where, from 2010, culture and commerce meet and reinforce each other. TOBACCO is a non-subsidized theater (read: they are very stubborn) that gives free space to cultural activities with a preference for music and inspiring performances.


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